The space race in the climate change

The space race in the climate change

While a 1.5 degree (or indeed 2) result looks far fetched, arguments that targets should be more realistically based on likely outcome is an odd response. Think about it for a moment; would you prefer corporate and govt targets based on 1.5 degrees or do we switch to targets based on whatever is deemed realistic at a given point?

IF a temperatures go past 1.5 degrees the TARGETS should remain at the 1.5 degree level. IF NOT we will end up with ever decreasing ambition of target matched with an ever increasing temperature profile.

IF we want this works

ELSE we need recognise that and be transparent about the difference between target level and likely global outcome and reflect this in truthful claims (a recurring theme…).

FOR INSTANCE When people like Richard Branson say ‘its ok that I flew to space, I’ve offset the emissions!’ does anyone think that actually does make it ok?

SEEMS Carbon Offset has been used as a social license to indulge in unnecessary activities, in an era where the market have little integrity, is a dangerous path. This is exactly why a ‘buyer decides everything’ attitude continues to harm the reputation of carbon markets.

EVEN BECASUE Space is even the place less hospitable to human life considering their extension itself, in another hand, our curiosity and our resources are also much greater than ever, and I am just trying to figure out how far away they did go, and how far are the consecuences for all.

In scale

  • Planet marts is a mmile away (1.6km)
  • The Moon is a 30 feet away (10 meters)
  • The ISS orbits is an 3/8th of an inch (1cm)
  • Finally, Bransos & Bensos the last month ascend the thickness of two dimes (2mm) about the superficie

  • *Offsetting can be great IF and IF:*

  • 1- Removals for descarbonization are involved; its used to compensate science-based target
  • 2- Emission Reduction itself has integrity, it means: we are dealing with additionality, they are demostrated by robusteness methods, they are transparent, and they are no covering unecesarry process, stuffs and other.

IF NOT its being used justifying rich people flying to space or it’s non-additional or double counted, then it’s in trouble.

New commitments are comming and we really should expect better for a product we collectively work so hard to create.

References list:

catch up my attention. 1- link to the post’s YAML front matter and you’re done. 2- 3- 4-

Andrés H
Andrés H Geek author writing romance and mystery stories with a twist - carbon markets and climate change. Andres also likes to work on improving the methodology used to measure carbon. He likes to delve into the challenges of the market, such as the quality of projects, the role of governments, leakage and performance of the market.