Conservation Impact Evaluation

Conservation Impact Evaluation


Agenda of qualittaive:




  • Semiestructured interview
  • Card execrcise


  • “easy really true”
  • There are multiples realities

If want to answer bigger questions sucha as nature based solutions have really impqact Qualitative impacts Whos is the audiance

Agenda for quantitative:


Personal rembember: Luke Sanford in Machine Learning for impacts Evaluation.

Unpacking quantitative and qualitative evidence

When we says we can extrapolate the results, is important to recognize that we need undertand that the impacts apply in especific context, when specific condicitions.

Results Chain Component Description Main Methods Classification
Inputs The resources required to implement the program. Budget, staff, materials, equipment. Quantitative
Activities The specific actions taken to achieve program objectives. Training sessions, workshops, field surveys, habitat restoration. Qualitative
Outputs The tangible products or services delivered as a result of program activities. Number of participants trained, acres of habitat restored, species population size monitored. Quantitative
Outcomes The short-term and intermediate changes that occur as a result of program outputs. Increased knowledge, improved skills, better habitat quality. Qualitative
Impacts The long-term changes in behavior, policy, or condition resulting from program outcomes. Increased public support for conservation, improved policy frameworks, biodiversity conservation. Qualitative

Andrés H
Andrés H Geek author writing romance and mystery stories with a twist - carbon markets and climate change. Andres also likes to work on improving the methodology used to measure carbon. He likes to delve into the challenges of the market, such as the quality of projects, the role of governments, leakage and performance of the market.